Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Healthy Monday Night Dinner with bacon !!

Chicken with 2 veggies

Frozen corn

Fresh brussel sprouts

Chicken breast - boneless skinless

Butter flavored cooking spray or any cooking spray you have

Onion powder

Olive oil

Salt and pepper


4 slices bacon (I used regular bacon but you can use turkey just keep an eye that it doesn't burn)


Preheat oven to 450

Prep brussel sprouts by washing, trimming stems, and removing any bruised leaves. Cut in half length wise if large.


Slice bacon in to 1 inch pieces, set aside.


Place Brussels in bowl with 2 tbsp. olive oil, toss to coat. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and bacon. Lay out flat on sheet pan and place in oven. Set timer 35 min. (Tends to stick so I cover sheet pan with foil for easy cleanup)


Prep chicken by trimming off any fat. Lay between 2 layers of saran wrap, pound until all one thickness with meat tenderizer-flat side. Place on sheet pan. Spray with cooking spray, season with salt, pepper, tumeric, and onion powder. Flip over and repeat.


When timer for brussels hits 20 min place chicken in oven. Check temp of chicken with meat thermometer at 15 min. Should be 165 degrees, check each breast. Leave in longer if not done. When done remove from oven, place on serving plate and cover loosely with foil to rest 5 min.


While baking place frozen corn and a 1/2 tbsp. of sugar in a saucepan. DON'T ADD ANY WATER. turn stove to medium and cover corn, leave on until heated thoroughly - about 10 min stirring occasionally.



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