Friday, January 22, 2016

Portable Lunch Option

Ok so I have posted a few recipes of what I do for breakfast with the refrigerator oatmeal and also the greek yogurt with chia seeds. Those work great to start off the day, and my dinner recipes alternate between lower and higher calories. I usually have a heavier dinner because I am not just making meals for myself but my hubby and dad as well. A light salad won't work for them in the evening so I tend to go lighter for lunch; but not to the point that I am starving so here is a lunch idea.

Orowheat sandwich rounds are only 100 calories and perfect to take for any sandwich, but I don't always have time in the morning to make one so I have been grabbing 1 round in a bag and an avocado and throwing them in my lunchbox.

When lunch comes I slice up the avocado and make a quick avocado toast, tons of flavor though I do add a little salt, and full of good fats and calories to keep me from getting super hungry throughout the day.

1 avocado on average plus the round comes out to about 400 calories, but its super healthy calories not just empty calories.

For snacks I tend to take my 8 oz plastic mason jar cups and fill them with fruit to have on hand, that way I know its 1 cup of any fruit and they are easily carried. You can also do simple saltine crackers with some laughing cow cheese wedges if you are wanting something more salty and crunchy.

With doing the light breakfast, the avocado lunches, and making sure I only have 1-2 servings at dinner dependent on my calories for the day it puts you about 12-1500 calories each day which is a good point if trying to loose weight like I am.

Hope this gives you some easy meal planning ideas.

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