Saturday, January 9, 2016

Weeknight Risotto

Ok so I have tried a lot of different things in the kitchen but something I haven't done was risotto. Most weeknight dinners are about pre-planning and multitasking to get everything hot and ready at the same time. Risotto isn't hard BUT it does take up all your attention, but I was up to the challenge and it paid off.
1.5 cups aborio rice (walmart has it and though pricier than regular rice, it lasts for years).
5 cups chicken stock
1/3 cup white wine dry
6 tbsp butter
12 oz steamable bag frozen peas (optional)
Shredded parmesan 3/4 cup
1 medium onion
OK so sometimes planning doesn't work out like planned so I realized last minute that I didn't have a regular onion. I improvised with a chopped shallot and 1/4 of a red onion diced that I had for salad later in the week. Mistakes happen don't shoot me.
Place a pot with chicken stock on medium, let simmer the entire time so it stays hot.
In another pot place 3 tbsp butter on medium heat, when melted add in onion/shallot and stir occasionally until softened about 8 min.
Add to the onion mix the rice and stir for 2 min. Until all the rice is covered in the butter/onion mix. Turn heat to medium-high.
Add the wine and stir until all the wine has been absorbed, then add in the stock 3/4 cup or 1 ladle at a time and do the same (stir until absorbed)
It took about 20 min to add each ladle, and stir until absorbed and repeat. Once all the stock was absorbed add the remaining butter stir until melted and absorbed.
Stir in parmesan and peas cooked in microwave per bag instructions and drained. Add salt and pepper to taste. 
Serve as I did with baked breaded fish fillets or steak, something you can put in the oven and forget about is best seeing as the risotto needs all your attention.

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