Friday, January 22, 2016

On the stove Chicken Tenderloins, Risotto, and Caprese Salad!

So a way that we try to make sure we get our salads in for dinner is to have a salad that we eat prior, almost like a restaurant. The timing of this is not always easy because I am not only making a salad but dinner as well....(I usually end up eating my salad with my dinner). So Wednesday's dinner was my Risotto again at the hubby's request and chicken tenderloins with a caprese salad.

Chicken tenderloins with the tendon removed (I watched a youtube how to do this :)
Italian Dressing

**Risotto recipe listed in another post**

Fresh mozzarella - I bought the pre-sliced loaf from Walmart
Fresh tomatoes
Fresh Basil
Olive oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and Pepper

So let's start with the salad. I sliced the tomatoes and layered them with the pre-sliced mozzarella, just alternating to make it more visually pleasing.

Then take about 3 large basil leaves, roll them together and slice thinly. This will give you little ribbons of basil. (you could just tear it in to pieces if you wanted)

Sprinkle the basil on the tomatoes and mozzarella. Place in the fridge until ready to serve.

When ready to serve drizzle with about 1-2 tbsp. of oil and the same of the balsamic vinegar. Top with salt and pepper and serve immediately.

For the chicken after removing the tendon I placed all the chicken in a bowl and tossed with about 1/3 cup of Italian dressing - I made a large amount of chicken so you will want to adjust so that you don't have a ton of dressing, just enough to coat.

Heat a skillet on medium/high heat and once hot add the chicken. Spread the chicken out in the pan and sprinkle with paprika. After 4 minutes flip each piece and add more paprika. Cook another 4-5 minutes until when you break one of the pieces the juice is clear or use a meat thermometer to 165. Your chicken should have a nice browning on both sides. Remove from the pan and let rest for a couple minutes.

Serve with Risotto and enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. Check out nutritional facts, and prices of chicken tenderloins from grocery stores at
